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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Donate today and give deaf and hard of hearing children every opportunity to reach their full potential.

Donate today to give young deaf artists like Hayley the chance to be seen and heard.
Help young deaf creatives feel seen and heard

Give deaf and hard of hearing young people the opportunity to explore their passions and build confidence in their identity.

Help Kids learn to Swim
Help deaf children like Davie learn to swim

Give a generous gift today to and help deaf and hard hearing kids like Davie learn to be safe in the water, right alongside their hearing peers. 

Champion Equality with a Regular Gift
Champion Equality with a Regular Gift

Become a Champion of Equality with a regular gift and help create a world where deaf and hard of hearing kids never miss out.

Get In Touch

If you would like to get in touch, you can contact our Fundraising team using the details below!



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